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Montag, Mai 23, 2005

One hour dinner break and a day off for the Donkeys at Blackpool / Eine Stunde Mittagspause und ein freier Tag für Esel in Blackpool

Council inspectors are to do spot-checks on Blackpool donkeys to make sure they are getting their full lunch break, officials have said. Councillors discussed what a Blackpool donkey should get for lunch - and decided it should be about an hour.
Licensing inspectors will now swoop on the sand to ensure no donkeys are missing out on their employment rights. The 200 animals, who are not in a union, ferry tourists for rides along the resort's beaches throughout the summer.
Council rules state donkeys must only work from 10am to 7pm, have an hour off for lunch, and must get each Friday off.
A Blackpool Council spokesman said: "The donkey's Friday off is a by-law that has been in place for, well, donkey's years."
Officials said they want to ensure their donkeys are happy and healthy as they have been part of the resort's history since Victorian times.
Notoriously stubborn animals, the donkeys will also get their annual 'Donkey MoT' by vets to ensure they are healthy enough to work.
They will line up on the sand this Friday while officials, accompanied by vets, check they are all in tip-top condition.
Any owners whose animal is not up to scratch does not get a donkey licence allowing them to operate in the town.
Inspectors will be doing spot-checks during the summer to ensure the animals are cared for properly.
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Die schwer arbeitenden Esel am Strand des britischen Urlaubsortes Blackpool können aufatmen: Nach einem am Mittwoch veröffentlichten Regelpaket für die Arbeitsrechte der Lasttiere dürfen sie sich nun täglich eine Stunde Mittagspause gönnen. Sie haben geregelte Arbeitszeiten von zehn bis 19 Uhr; freitags können sie sich im Stall ausruhen. Die rund 200 Esel in der nordwestenglischen Stadt tragen Touristen am Strand entlang. Mögliche gesundheitliche Schäden durch die Plackerei für Hufe, Ohren, Zähne und das Fell sollen nach den neuen Bestimmungen künftig einmal im Jahr von Tierärzten und Behördenvertretern überprüft werden.

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